In an untrusted world, who can you trust?

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Get 30+ hrs of the most critical, empowering and practical information from the World's TOP doctors, arming you with the facts and truth, which means you and your loved ones can't be victimized or ever taken advantage of again!

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No matter what you believe, no matter what your political stance, regardless of your ethenicity, creed or nationality, irrespective of the color of your skin or your religion, your rigidity and ego will determine your NEXT outcome!

Your Future, Your Children's Futures and their Children's Futures, depneds on what you do before you leave this page!

I promise you, this is not hyperbole. It is THE MOST IMPORTANT INFORMATION facing the entire world in the last 1,000 years. And the media is hiding it from you!

Now, More Than Ever, Trusting The Wrong Medical Information Can Lead To Severe, Life Impacting Changes, Including Death!

Logic, science and common sense have become victims to propaganda, censorship and political agendas, and have been replaced by idiocies, media perpetuated mis-information and fear mongering! Why? To take our power away!

The good news: all that's happening now, will usher in a better world where transparency and truth are protected, innovation is rewarded rather than suppressed and abundance is the only standard which everyone lives by!

The 4th Annual International Advanced Medicine Conference was a once in a life time opportunity to learn some highly important truths, hear the actual facts and become empowered by the MOST significant, life changing medical information impacting humans presented at any conference anywhere in the world over the last decade!

This may be the MOST important conference of all future AMC Conferences. Why? Because for those already "jabbed", there is little to any chance of surviving what's coming. The only possible solution for those already "jabbed" with the mRNA genetically modified technology is presented during the conference lectures.

This incredible assembly of the greatest minds still alive in medicine, health and science, came together to present information certain to radically impact your life!

Learn the only possible answer to the "jab induced injury" and "shedding", based on scientific data, clinical observation, anectdotal evidence, published research and historical precedent, so that you can eliminate all health related fears, which means you'll become empowered by knowledge, resulting in NO ONE being able to ever take advantatge of you ever again!

The World Awakens To Understanding The Real and Present Threat

The 4th Annual

Advanced Medicine Conference 2022

A Sampling Of Some Of the content....

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Del Bigtree

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Dr Buttar

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Dr Bartlett

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Dr Martin

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Dr Wakefield

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Dr Ardis

3 Key Presentations To Help You Understand

The Facts Surrounding Current Global Conditions

Jabs Skyrocket Hospitalizations

The True Problem & ONLY Solution

Pfzier's Defence: Immunity

You may have missed attending the

4th Annual International Advanced Medicine Conference in San Antonio, TX.

But don't make a 2nd mistake

and miss out on owning the complete, lifetime acces to the Digital Version of the 4th Annual International Advanced Medicine Conference!


WHY do you need this information? Because you’re being lied too!

If you get sick, it’s already too late for a vaccine to provide any benefit because antibodies are generated a few weeks AFTER the vaccine has been administered (in response to the vaccine).

The body needs an opportunity for the humoral immune system to stimulate B lymphocytes, create antigen-receptor sites, and then allow those antigen receptor sites to create antibodies.

Natural immunity always beats vaccines. New congressional testimony revealed studies showing natural immune response as 27 times (2,700%) more effective than any vaccine!

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Discover the Secret That Will Allow You To Thrive in todays chaotic society, so you can return to living FREE because you've learned the truth... of fear and worry because you'll be armed with science and facts, which means NO one can take advantage off you anymore!

Knowledge will teach you truth. And as the timeless saying goes, the TRUTH shall set you FREE!


WHAT are you going to learn? The real agenda to usher in trans-humanism and AI.

The developer of the mRNA technology, Dr. Robert Malone, himself states the World Economic Forum’s non-disputed and publicly stated agenda is "trans-humanism." But the history of this agenda goes back much further.

Patents were issued to ATT and Microsoft back as far as 2014 for transmission of data through human tissue (skin and bones). How is this possible without owning the skin and bones??? In the video below, Dr. Malone describe a German report disclosing the World Economic Forum's stated agenda and defines Trans-humanism.


HOW will you benefit? You'll learn about a treatment that may save millions of lives!

No matter what is thrown at us, there are actual therapies based on historical precedence, published research, anecdotal evidence, scientific papers and clinical observation, which promises to eliminate the “vaccine” induced injuries. In addition, theoretically it appears this will also address any of the “shedding” issue that many unvaccinated people have experienced.

What If?

What happens when you learn this? You'll be empowered with info to protect yourself!

All the history, agenda, and proof will be provided in the 4th annual AMC 2022 digital downloads. The agenda and what you can do immediately, are within minutes of getting into your hands. And once you have it, this life changing information can never be unlearned. It will be all yours! You'll possess the single most important thing potentially promising to save tens of millions of lives.


WHO needs this? The most intelligent will seek it but EVERYONE will need it.

The entire world needs this critical, life saving information. Those who took the "jab" and now looking for a solution to the problems they're experiencing, will find an answer. Those who refused the “jab” will understand why their intuition guided them to stay away from it. Most importantly, those who seek to prevent what ever health problem inevitably comes our way.

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Here is another lie told by the media and governements of the world,

with a suspect agenda more disturbing than anything you could ever imagine,

resulting in censorship of information along with anyone brave enough to speak out against it!

The theme of the 4th International Annual Advanced Medicine Conference was "Regeneration", providing you with an exciting glimpse of what's actually possible utilizing the tools presented and discussed. There is no doubt that this is an exciting time in history to be alive as we witness the human spirit evolve (or de-evolve) as the case were.

AMC brings together the most well-respected, cutting edge, trustworthy voices in Medicine, Health, Wellnes and Consciousness, providing attendees with a truly phenomenal experience resonating with the frequency of truth. That may sound like a strange thing to state, but in today's "upside" down world, it is the one thing everyone should be relying on to distinguish the truth from the lies.

Just a few of the lies you've been told...

The TRUE Portugal Statistics

The truth no one is discussing... in Portugal, going from "no one left to vaccinate" to 8 months later, a "1,302% increase in death rate"!

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Vaccine Induced Injury Solution: ARS3

All the information you need is in the 4th Annual AMC Digital Access to know how to best protect yourself, especially if you have already had the jab. And it will protect you from what ever they throw at us next!

For the first time ever, there is actually a real possibility of healing after the "jab" based on clinical observation, scientific principals, published data and historical precedence over 160 years.

Furthermore, the evidence of the efficacy of this theraputic modality extends beyond religious borders, ethinic divides and cultural norms, with evidence of this utilization as far back as recorded time goes.

These lifetime digital access to the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference will provide the absolute most powerful information available from any medical conference, anywhere in the world over the last 10 years!

Countdown has begun for the 5th Annual International

Advanced Medicine Conference, starting in...

More deaths from "Vaccine" than from COVID-19!

In July 2021, VAERS reported MORE deaths from the so-called "vaccine" than the CDC reported deaths from COVID-19 itself!

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reported 2,063 deaths from COVID vaccines for the week of July 8 - July 15, 2021. For the same period, the CDC reported 1,855 COVID deaths. This was the first time the death toll from the "treatment" exceeded the death toll from the "disease"!

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and the lies continue to become even more blatant ...

FDA Re-defines "UNVaccinated"

If you die within 14 days of getting the JAB, you are considered "unvaccinated". ONLY if you have a reaction or death AFTER 14 days, will you be considered as "vaccinated."

In July 2021, despite taking down the VAERS site for a few days, even the revised data could not hide that more people died from the treatment than the supposed "problem". The following month in August, the FDA change the definiton of vaccinated. If someone died within the first 14 days of getting "jabbed", they were considered to be UN-Vaccinated!

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Learn the only possible answer to the "jab induced injury" and "shedding", based on scientific data, clinical observation, anectdotal evidence, published research and historical precedent, so that you can eliminate all health related fears, which means you'll become empowered by knowledge, resulting in NO ONE being able to ever take advantatge of you ever again!

Advanced Medicine Conference

Your Source of Medical and Scientific Information based on ,

Provable Truth

ACTUAL Science

Established Facts

Un-Biased Medicine

Un-Manipulated Data a World that LOST It's Way!

Featuring the Following Renowned Speakers!

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Dr Andrew Wakefield

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Dr Rashid A Buttar

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Del Bigtree

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Dr Edward Group

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Dr David Martin

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Dr Sherri Tenpenny

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Dr Lee Merritt

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Dr Patrick Quillian

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Dr Carrie Madej

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Dr Brian Hooker

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Dr Ryan Cole

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Dr Stuart Nunnally

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Dr Bryan Ardis

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Dr Richard Bartlett

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Dr James Neuenschwander

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Dr Vladimir Zelenko

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Leila Centner

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Dr Lawrence B Palevsky

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Richard Gage

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Dr Robert Scott Bell

Countdown has begun... the 5th Annual International

Advanced Medicine Conference starts in...

See What Past Attendees SAID About

The 1st Annual International

Advanced Medicine Conference

By May 2020, in the middle of the PLANdemic, a virus was reportedly spreading rampantly. But it wasn't just "any" virus. It was apparently a highly sophisticated virus that:

...knew the difference when you walked into a restaurant (allowing politicians to require facemasks) but after you sat down, you could take you mask off because you were somehow, MAGICALLY protected!

...required social distancing (for safety) while boarding a plane, only to be seated 4 inches away from a complete stranger for the next 4 hours of the flight, because you were now MAGICALY protected once seated!

...was used to prevent us from keeping our bodies and spirits strong by shutting down gyms and places of worship because of the "risk" , but liquor stores, Wal-Mart and strip joints MAGICALLY operated as usual!

And yet...256 doctors, health care providers, health freedom advocates and awake people, all with only ONE common factor (a functioning brain), came together from 15 different countries and 32 different states despite EVERY attempt at preventing us from coming together!

And yes, it WAS MAGICAL! ( But not like the virus :)

More From Past Attendees From



Additional comments from attendees during the 2nd Annual International Advanced Medicine Conference held in May 2020 in Charlotte, NC!

Every day, you're being pummled with propaganda and misinformation...

From the media lies...

...deception creating distraction and illusion!

From the politicians...

...hiding behind the excuse they are not doctors or scientists!

From the CDC...

...with a history of hiding the truth and conducting human experiments!

But don't take anyones word for it.

View SOME of the CDC's Historical Record...

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CDC's Keeps Its Secrets!

As reported by USA Today, the "CDC Keeps Secret Its Mishaps With Deadly Germs". In this expose, USA Today exposes high-profile incidents during 2014 with anthrax, Ebola and a deadly strain of bird flu. CDC cites a 2002 bioterrorism law to justify its redactions despite a 2015 White House memo to federal agencies calling for greater transparency in releasing information about research and incidents involving select agent pathogens.


A Cigarette A Day Keeps the Doctor Away...

"A cigarette a day keeps the doctor away", "Flies don't land on me because I've had my DDT" and other such public health messages supported and accepted by the CDC or its predecessor organization USPHS were pushed on the public and encouraged under the guise of Public Health and Safety.

The Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis

From 1932 to 1972, the CDC (and it's predicesor USPHS) pushed and condoned the human experimentation of long term infection of black males with Syphilis called the “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.” Even as late as 1969, 37 years after starting the study, the CDC reaffirmed need for study and gained local medical societies’ support (AMA and NMA chapters who officially supported the continuation of the study)."A cigarette a day keeps the doctor away", "Flies stay off me because I've had my DDT" and other such public health messages supported and accepted by the CDC or its predecessor organization USPHS were pushed on the public and encouraged under the guise of Public Health and Safety.

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CDC says "Thimerosol (ethyl mercury) does not cause Autism"

A non-profit ( submitted FOIA request to CDC to provide evidence that thimerasol in DTaP, HepB, Hib, PCV13 and IPV, as well as requesting the CDC provide studies to support the cumulative exposure to these vaccines during the first six months of life do not cause autism. Despite months of demands, the CDC failed to produce a single specific study in response to these FOIA requests.

ICAN had to finally sue the CDC in federal court, where the CDC finally conceded, in a stipulation signed by a Federal court judge, that that The CDC has NO STUDIES to support that any of these vaccines do NOT cause autism.

Lead in Gasoline is NOT an issue of concern.

For over 2 decades, the CDC has insisted that thimerosol (ethyl mercury) does NOT contribute or cause Autism despite inorganic mercury being the 2nd most toxic substance known to man per the CDC's own admission (toxicology division)...and ethyl mercury having 500 times or greater level of toxicity than inorganic elemental mercury.

The CDC's Toxicological Division was eventualy responsible for finally removing lead out of gasoline. But do you know who opposed this effort for years before it was finally accomplished? The CDC's own Infectious Disease Division opposed the need to have lead removed from gasoline! Why does the infectious disease division oppose the toxicological division of their own orginaization?

CDC Counts People Dying within 14 Days of the"JAB" as "UN-Vaccinated"

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It's Time To Decide Who Are You Going To Trust!

Are You Going To Trust Your Own Eyes, Ears and Brain?

Or Are You Going To Trust the CDC/WHO/Gates/Fauci/Klaus Shwab/ Yuval Noah Harrai/the Government?

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The Above Study CONCLUSIVELY Proves All Incidences of Heart Issues Being Blamed On COVID 19, Are LIES!

The Truth Is Simple!

The Increase In Heart Attacks, Myocarditis, Percarditis, Stroke, Etc, Are ALL Related To COVID-19 VACCINE INDUCED INJURY!

The AMC 2022 Conference Digital Access Provides All Details Of ARS3, The Only Solution If You've Already Gotten "Jabbed"! Or If You're Concerned About The Spike Protein Shedding!

Canada and UK have among the highest % of people vaccinated for Covid. But look at the DEATH rate among these jabbed people!

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Learn the ONLY possible answer to "jab induced injury" and "shedding", based on scientific data, clinical observation, anectdotal evidence, published research and historical precedent!

The time is NOW for you to

discover YOUR Strength,

unleash YOUR Power,

nurture YOUR Spirit,

realize YOUR Truth,

& feed YOUR Soul!

Where is the 5th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference going to be held?

The 5th Annual AMC will be held somewhere in the midwest. The city and venue for the 2023 AMC live event will be decided sometime by November 2022.

Who are the speakers that will be presenting?

Confirmed speakers will be announced by November 2022. However, looking back at the previous 4 years, you can be certain that many of the same speakers will be returning from the 40 plus speakers who have spoken in the past.

Where can I purchase my tickets?

You can buy the tickets for the 5th annual AMC on the site but if you purchase the 4th annual AMC 2022 digital downloads, you may be able to get your tickets for next years event at a significant discount.

What city and airport do I fly into for the 5th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference?

TBD, by November 2023

What is the venue for the 5th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference?

TBD, by November 2023

Is there a room block for preferred pricing for the attendees?

Yes, link to the hotel registration page will be provided after purchase of tickets. This will however not be available until approximately 6 months prior to the event.

Is there transportation available from the airport to the venue?

TBD, by November 2023

What is the schedule for the conference?

The finalized schedule will be released a few months before the event. You should plan on arriving on the following schedule:
Arrival - Friday evening, May 26, 2023
Departure, - Monday, May 29, 2023 (after 2:30 pm)

Will the conference be live-streamed?

Yes, ticket holders can choose to watch in-person or via live stream. However, remember that the in person attendance allows you additional benefits and opportunities that the live stream does not!

What are the exact days of the conference?

The 5th annual advanced medicine conference will be held from Saturday, May, 27th until Monday, May 29th, 2023 (Memorial Day Weekend)

Are the workshop times separate from the actual conference?

Yes, the workshop times are outside of the conference times. Please note, not all the AMC Conferneces have workshops. But if there are workshops, they will be held on Sunday evening and on Monday morning, separate from the main conference. All workshop speakers will be presenting at the main conference. However, the workshops will allow the attendees an opportunity to spend more time with any of the speakers giving workshops. If attendees so choose to spend more time with, learning and taking a deep dive with the speaker of the workshop, they can then choose to do so. Workshops will range from approximately 2.5 to 3 hours long.

What times should I plan to arrive and leave?

Arrival for most people will be Friday evening, May 26th, 2023. Conference will be all day Saturday and Sunday, and half day Monday.
Workshops, if scheduled, will continue into Monday, May 29th, 2023 until noon. If you are planning on staying for the "special IADFW members only meeting" on Sunday evening, plan on departing on Monday afternoon. If you are planning on attending a workshop on Monday morning, you should book your flight to leave no earlier than 2 pm to give yourself enough time to get to the airport and get though security.

What is the cost of the workshops?

The cost of each workshop will be $150. Or you can buy access to 2 workshops and get a $50 discount.

Is there a student scholarship available to attend the 5th annual Advanced Medicine Conference?

Yes, there is a 50% student scholarship available to any doctorate level student. Student id's and/or transcripts showing current student status is required. Click here for more details:

If I want to volunteer to help with the conference, who do I contact?

We appreciate volunteers to help with the conference. However, please note that in the past we have had people who want to volunteer only to gain access to the event for free. For that reason, there are no discounts to attend the conference for those who wish to volunteer. This insures we have volunteers who really want to help, instead of just getting free access to the conference.

What exactly is the AHEAD Map®?

The AHEAD Map® stands for advanced health evaluation and assessment for detoxification, medical assessment program. It is a clinical health assessment tool with over 500 years of clinical experience behind it, available to you absolutely 100% free of charge (a $300 value every time you take it). Using an sf-36 outcome based assessment model, subjective patient data is collected and converted into an objective numeric value that can now be easily tracked and followed. You can use the ahead map to assess the efficacy of any medical, pharmaceutical or natural treatment, protocol, therapy or modality using objective numeric values that are now easy to follow and track. With an emphasis on the major organs of detoxification, the AHEAD Map® score can be tracked for establishing and assessing improvement or worsening of organ function. Click here to find out what your ahead map™ score is:

I heard about a free health assessment tool to which i can get access. How do i get that access?

The name of this health assessment tool is the AHEAD Map® which stands for advanced health evaluation and assessment for detoxification, medical assessment program. Simply click on the following link to create your free dashboard to determine your AHEAD Map® score:

If i have a problem or need a question answered, who can I contact?

You can send an email to:

This Is YOUR Opportunity To Be Part Of History...

Now Is Your Chance To Own



Digital Access!

Here is what you get:

20 + hours of lectures (videos of the speakers giving their presentations)

- from the most renowned physicians, scientists and researchers from all corners of the world, with clear slides on the screen! You will see some of the most increadible information that most of the world has NEVER heard before. This is "critical information" impacting the entire inhabitants of the planet!

Over 2.5 hours of Questions & Answers with speakers, at the end of each day

- from the first 2 days of the 4th Annual Advanced Medicine Conference

Over 6 + hours of never before seen interviews on video

- Each speaker was interviewed after their respective lectures, giving unique and private insights from the lecturer's perspective

Almost 30 hours of mp3 audio files

- which you can listen to while remaining mobil on your smart phone, your car or even your laptop. These are the audios from the videos.

Full PDF transcripts of the entire conference

- All 20 lectures + Q&A's + Interviews in a text format you can print out or have on your smart device and read while you're on the go.

Full PDF of all lecturer's slide presentations for the entire conference

- All 20 lectures with all the slideds in full color in PDF format downloadable and viewable on your smart device. Over 1000 slides.

100% Money Back Guarantee

- for all purchasers, if you don't think this almost 30 hours of life changing video series is worth at least 3 times the cost you're paying, simply let us know and you'll be promptly refunded. Why are we willing to give an unconditional return policy? It's simple. We KNOW the value of what we're offering. And in the rare case of someone trying to take advantage of us, it's ok. KARMA is the great equalizer and always takes care of it all :)

Entry into a drawing to attend an 8 day and 7 night medical retreat

- all purchasers of the 4th Annual AMC digital downloads will be entered into a drawing to win 2 tickets for an entire week, with Dr. Buttar and another AMC Conference lecturer in a resort in Mexico, with all food, drinks, hotel accomadations, entertainment and even spa credit up to $1500 and transportation to and from the hotel covered (only flights to and from destination will not be covered). Will be drawn in October 2022.

Knowledge that you're supporting some incredible organizations.

- A portion of the proceeds from the sale of these Digital downloads will be used to support the Children's Health Defense Fund and ICANN.

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Languages Supported

All 20+ lectures from the AMC 2022 conference videos will have closed captioned sub-titles in English. Over the next few weeks, subtitles in 38 additional languages will be added to the videos. And content will continue to be added.

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The next decision you make, to get this life-impacting information (or to not get it), will NOT affect those putting forward the herculean effort to bring this together for you!

Some of these lectures could arguably be considered critical to the future of mankind. However, all of them are important and will have a tremendous impact on you.

And it WILL impact YOUR loved ones…and the outcome of their future. The question is not “IF” it will impact you. The question is “HOW” will it impact you? But impact YOU, it will!

Your decision to move forward or to NOT move forward, comes down to YOUR willingness to take action. Or NOT take action. In either case, you’ll reep the rewards, or you'll pay the consequences.

WSJ Reports from UCLA and Yale

Now UCLA and YALE doctors are even sounding the alarm that there may be "serious underestimated risks involved with the side effects of the Wuhan Coronavirus VACCINE!"

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It's about freakin' time!!! But it proves the 3 Phases of all truth!

1. Ridicule

2.Violent Opposition and

3. "We Always Knew That To Be True"

But what about the hundreds of millions of people who DID get the vaccine???

The ONLY possible answer to the "jab induced injury" and "shedding", based on scientific data, clinical observation, anectdotal evidence, published research and historical precedent is presented in the 2 and a half days of the 4th Annual AMC 2022. In fact, you can eliminate almost all health related fears, which means you'll become empowered by knowledge, resulting in NO ONE being able to ever take advantatge of you ever again!

Get Lifetime Digital Access to the 4th Annual International Advanced Medicine Conference 2022 + transcripts + slide PDF's + audio!

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Never before in the recorded history of man have the consequences been greater than the decision humanity faces now!

Whether you move on this now or not, the question you need to ask yourself is how will the decision I make today, impact me tomorrow?



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